What’s Ashley Reading?: Middle of the Night

Middle of the Night by Riley Sager

First line: Morning sunlight seeps into the tent like a water leak, dripping onto the boy in a muted glow.

Summary: Ethan Marsh has spent the last thirty years wondering what happened to his best friend. One summer night while the boys were camping in Ethan’s backyard his best friend Billy disappeared without a trace. He has been plagued with an ongoing nightmare about that night but no memories of what happened to Billy. However, upon moving back to his childhood home it appears that someone or something is trying to get Ethan to remember that long ago night. As Ethan digs deeper into his past he finds secrets that were buried years ago by those around him who he trusted most.

My Thoughts: Well this was a surprise! The main character is a man. Never has Sager written a male main character. But even with this diversion from his norm the book did not disappoint. With every new chapter there were more twists added to the plot. No one was safe from suspicion in the disappearance of Billy.

Sporadically throughout the story we get pieces of different characters and their remembrances of the day everything changed in this idyllic neighborhood. Even when you think you have it figured out then another theory is brought forward. This may be a difficult one for any reader to deduce before the end.

Similar to Sager’s previous novel, The Only One Left, there is a big old house with mysterious characters residing there. Little is known about what happens at the institute. It is the perfect backdrop for this otherwise perfect little community.

As I finished this book I may have given myself a headache from the tension of the story. I found it very hard to put this book down. It is easy to say just one more chapter while reading any of Sager’s books but this one in particular. Each chapter will give the reader just a little bit more about what really happened thirty years before.

What’s Ashley Reading?: The Only One Left

The Only One Left by Riley Sager

First line: The office is on Main Street, tucked between a beauty parlor and a storefront that, in hindsight, feels prophetic.

Summary: In 1929, Lenora Hope killed her whole family. Or that’s how the rhyme goes but Lenora was never charged and is now living a lonely life in her family’s house on the cliffs. It’s now 1983, Kit McDeere has just ended her suspension after an investigation into her previous patient’s death. Her new assignment is to care for the local murderess, Lenora Hope. Several strokes have left Lenora mute and wheelchair bound. Using a typewriter Lenora is able to communicate with Kit but one sentence changes the course of Kit’s life. Lenora wants to tell Kit everything about that night in 1929. Intrigued, Kit begins helping Lenora type her story. What really happened in 1929? And can Kit trust what Lenora is telling her?

My Thoughts: To date this is probably my favorite Riley Sager book! It was crammed full of twists at the end. It was twist after twist after twist. But I was invested for every bit of it. The beginning is a slow burn as we are introduced to the characters and what has brought Kit to this point in her life. She has struggled through life but finally found something she is good at. Then one mistake takes everything she has done into question, changing her whole life. I ended up liking Kit by the end. She starts out rather timid and unsure but as she learns more she becomes a stronger character who stands behind her decisions.

Hope’s End seemed a living museum. The house was stuck in the past along with the uniforms and amenities. Lenora is kept upstairs in her room. Everything about the house and it occupants was perfectly done. It had that eerie feeling with what appears to be a Mrs. Danvers character running the show. The house is perched on the edge of a cliff face but the ocean is slowly eroding the land away. Adding the imminent threat of destruction to a need to find out the truth added suspense and urgency to the plot. This book could easily be read in one sitting because it is so packed with shocking moments and revelations that makes it hard to put down.

My favorite parts were Lenora’s memories of 1929 and the times leading up to the murder of her family. There were so many clues hiding in plain sight and I did not notice until everything has been revealed. And red herrings were placed throughout as well to throw the reader off and they did just that! It was plotted out perfectly.

I love that Sager sets his books in the 80s. It such a modern era but still in the past before internet and cell phones. I have to keep reminding myself about the time period when I get frustrated and question why the characters did not do or know something. But this is part of the appeal of Sager’s books. They have a nostalgia factor mixed with the wonderful 80s horror movie tropes. As always I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a thrilling read.

What’s Ashley Reading?: A Year in Review

This was a busy year for reading! I completed 114 books in 2022 but there were a few standouts that I would highly recommend. Below are my top 10 books I read in 2022!

  1. The Wolf Den by Elodie Harper
  2. The House With the Golden Door by Elodie Harper
  3. Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
  4. Dawnlands by Philippa Gregory
  5. The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson
  6. All the Blood We Share by Camilla Bruce
  7. The Library of the Dead by T. L. Huchu
  8. Our Lady of Mysterious Ailments by T. L. Huchu
  9. Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan
  10. Forging Silver Into Stars by Brigid Kemmerer

And I know that next year will have some great books for my TBR list. Here are the ones I am most looking forward too!

  1. Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo (01/10/2023)
  2. Chain of Thorns by Cassandra Clare (01/31/2023)
  3. The Kind Worth Saving by Peter Swanson (03/07/2023)
  4. The House of Dudley by Joanne Paul (03/07/2023)
  5. Cleopatra’s Daughter by Jane Draycott (04/18/2023)
  6. Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth I by Tracy Borman (05/18/2023)
  7. The Only One Left by Riley Sager (06/20/2023)
  8. The Mystery of Dunegan Castle by T. L. Huchu (08/29/2023)
  9. A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber (09/12/2023)
  10. The Temple of Fortuna by Elodie Harper (11/23/2023)

What were your favorite reads of 2022? And what are you looking forward to the most in 2023? Leave us a comment!

What’s Ashley Reading?: Survive the Night

Survive the Night by Riley Sager

First line: Fade in.

Summary: Two months earlier, Charlie’s best friend, Maddy was murdered by the Campus Killer. But what makes things even worse is that Charlie could have done something to stop it from happening. She blames herself. And the only way she feels that she can move on from this tragedy is to leave school and go home to try and heal.

At the university ride board she meets a young man who offers to drive her home since it is on his way. Charlie is so desperate to leave Olyphant that she accepts. But as soon as she gets into his car she starts to wonder if she has made a terrible choice. Little things start to happen which makes Charlie wonder if Josh is not what he seems. Will she survive the long night time drive?

My Thoughts: I had so much fun reading this book! I kept having to tell myself to relax. I was caught up in the tension and fear. It immediately sucked me in. And Charlie is a very unreliable narrator since she has a disorder that takes her out of reality if things become too much for her. As I read I never knew what to believe and what is one of the movies in her head.

Riley Sager’s books always have the feel of an eighties horror movie. That may be one of the reasons I love them so much. They can be cheesy at times but that is how I want an eighties movie to be. There was lots of twists and turns. I did not expect the ending at all. Some things seemed a little obvious but I was very shocked by big reveal. I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants a fast and fun thriller for the summer. It hits the spot perfectly.

FYI: Violence, murder, and some language.

What’s Ashley Reading?: Home Before Dark

Home Before Dark by Riley Sager

First line: Every house has a story to tell and a secret to share.

Summary: Maggie Holt has lived in the shadow of the book, House of Horrors, written by her father about the time they spent living at Baneberry House. She has no memories of their time there and cannot get answers about what really occurred there twenty-five years earlier. When she learns that she has inherited the house from her father she decides to go back, against the dying wish of her father, and try to find some answers.

My Thoughts: I think this is one of my favorite books by Riley Sager. He does a phenomenal job of creating a tense and thrilling story. I find it interesting that he always writes women but he does it so well.

From the very beginning I was hooked on Maggie’s story. I needed to know what happened just as much as she did. I could not turn the pages fast enough. I liked how the chapters alternated between “the Book” and Maggie in present day. The parallels made me want to keep reading with all the foreshadowing. There were several scenes where I had to set the book down and breathe a little bit to get past it.

This definitely has a The Haunting of Hill House vibe to it. A big scary house where a family it tormented. What could be better? But Sager does a great job of making this story his own. He has his classic twists and turns. I could not recommend this enough to anyone who loves a good thriller/ghost story.

FYI: Perfect for fans of The Haunting of Hill House, the Netflix show and book.

What’s Ashley Reading?: Lock Every Door

Lock Every Door by Riley Sager

First line: Ginny gazed up at the building, her feet planted firmly on the sidewalk but her heart as wide and churning as the sea.

Summary: The rules at the Bartholomew are strict. No visitors. You must spend every night in the apartment. And no disturbing the other residents. Jules believes that even though the rules a little ridiculous they are worth the large sum of money she will receive as an apartment sitter. After losing her job, her boyfriend and her apartment she is desperate for a new start.

Shortly after she moves into the apartment she meets a fellow sitter, Ingrid. But when Ingrid mysteriously disappears in the middle of the night, Jules decides to do some digging into why and try to discover what is going on at the Bartholomew. In her research she learns about the dark past of the building and some of its former residents. With this new knowledge she is determined to get out before she meets the same fate as Ingrid.

My Thoughts: Riley Sager has become one of my favorite thriller writers. This is his third book and it was fantastic. The suspense and mystery are perfectly blended. I was easily creeped out in the first couple of chapters. I mean who wouldn’t be tempted by a high paying job as an apartment sitter? But once strange things start happening? Nope. I’m out.

I did find the middle of the story a little slow. It seemed to stretch out a little too much as Jules looks into the residents and the history of the building. I assume that Sager was just trying to give us some more little clues or hinting at the sinister past but it seemed to be rather overdone.

And holy cow! The last few chapters are great! My heart was beating so fast and I could not read fast enough. As I finished it I was on an adrenaline high and had to start another book in order to calm down a bit for bed. Read this. It is worth it.

FYI: Sager’s first two novels, Final Girls and The Last Time I Lied, are just as thrilling.