What’s Ashley Reading?: The Hitchcock Hotel

The Hitchcock Hotel by Stephanie Wrobel

First line: The crow waits until the guilty one disappears; then he flies down the hallway.

Summary: Alfred Smettle has opened a themed hotel centered around his idol, Alfred Hitchcock and his works. On the first anniversary of the hotel’s opening he has invited his former college film club friends to enjoy his masterpiece. Having not spoken to his friends since the incident sixteen years ago, they are all surprised by his interest in them after all these years. Upon arriving they feel that something is off about the place and their host. Why are they here and what does Alfred really want from them?

My Thoughts: The cover is what drew me in at the start. It evokes some of Hitchcock’s most famous movies. I have watched several of Hitchcock’s films including Psycho, The Birds and Vertigo and enjoyed each one. They are masterpieces of the suspense genre. When reading Wrobel’s novel she includes lots of trivia about the director and his works. I have added several more titles to my watch list since reading this.

From the very beginning I could easily envision the Hitchcock Hotel. It would definitely require a certain type of clientele to stay there. As each character is introduced we learn that they are all hiding something from their past that could affect this little reunion. But unbeknownst to the guests, Alfred is planning something special for the weekend. As a reader you can feel the tensions between the friends. I could tell that the author was trying to do what Hitchcock did with his films. She layered the suspense and tensions while building the story. We know what’s coming (sort of) but the characters do not.

At the beginning it was a little slow but then as secrets are revealed and the final twist is introduced it is easy to forgive this. I did not even suspect how it was going to change at the end and really found it well done. This was a perfect read for the start of October!

What’s Ashley Reading?: Buried Deep and Other Stories

Buried Deep and Other Stories by Naomi Novik

First line: My house growing up was full of words; my mother read widely.

Summary: In this collection of thirteen stories, acclaimed fantasy author Naomi Novik, brings in several of her previously published short stories as well as two new ones. These stories range from historical to science fiction with appearances by Elizabeth Bennett and dragons. As well as revisiting some of her past works she introduces us to the new world which will be the setting of her upcoming fantasy novel.

My Thoughts: I really enjoy the work of Naomi Novik. She writes some outstanding fantasy novels with beautiful world building. My first look was in Uprooted and most recently with the Scholomance trilogy.

There were several stories in here which I really enjoyed and some that I skipped. I loved revisiting the world of the Scholomance after the events of the trilogy to see what life was like for the new students. I haven’t read her dragon series but I will definitely add it to my list after reading the dragon stories in this collection. I really enjoyed the short story that inspired her book, Spinning Silver. I think it was better as a short story than a full length novel. The one I skipped early on had a strong science fiction theme to it which did not hold my attention but there are many more stories to choose from making it easy to pass on the one.

This would be a good introduction to anyone who hasn’t read Novik’s work yet or someone who wants to expand on her work as well.

What’s Ashley Reading?: Lucy Undying

Lucy Undying by Kiersten White

First line: It starts the moment you look out the window.

Summary: Lucy Westenra was just a minor character in the story of Dracula. Or at least that is what everyone thought. Since she was changed into a vampire she has spent the years searching for meaning in her eternal life. From the battlefields of Europe to the streets of modern day London it appears that nothing will give her peace and the love she has long been looking for.

Iris is trying to escape her family legacy and the dark secrets of her past. In a bid to hide, she runs away to London in order to sell any family heirlooms worth anything for quick cash. However, she did not intend to meet the stunning and brilliant Elle, a local historian who gives Iris hope that there are good people still in the world.

As the women navigate the threats to Iris they discover that they have much more in common, including a mutual enemy. They create a plan to try and bring down the dark powers that are slowly spreading across the world in a daring chance to find their own happiness in the end.

My Thoughts: Dracula is my favorite of the classic gothic novels. I have read or watched many depictions or spinoffs from the original tale, so when I saw a book centering on Lucy I knew I needed to read it.

In White’s new take on the Dracula story we get a Lucy who is desperately in love with Mina and lures Dracula to her in order to save a woman who will never love her back. This is an interesting twist that continues to drive the story along. Lucy, through her remembrances and journal entries, shows us how she really felt about the men around her during her final days. And since reading this I will see these characters just a little differently.

The story does bounce around a LOT. Chapters alternate between Human Lucy, Vampire Lucy and Iris giving us all sorts of perspectives. It started out very confusing but as I got used to the layout I became more comfortable with it.

There were times while reading where it seemed the story had reached a natural end but then it continued on with a new revelation or event that pushed the narrative into new territories. At points it felt like the story was being dragged out and ran rather slow. I did enjoy the end when everything picks up and big reveals are made. It was a fun take on a classic story that many people are familiar with.

If you love Dracula retellings then this is the book for you as spooky season is upon us!

What’s Ashley Reading?: What Have You Done

What Have You Done? by Shari Lapena

First line: Early Friday morning, Roy Ressler drives his big tractor down the gravel road that borders his fields, his mind on his daughter’s upcoming wedding.

Summary: Fairhill, Vermont is a quiet little town where nothing ever happens until one morning when a local teenager is found dead in a field. Diana Brewer is the girl next door, pretty and popular. So when she turns up dead the town is shocked. How can this have happened here and who did it? As the police look for the murderer the townspeople realize that even quiet towns can have their dark secrets.

My Thoughts: I started out really enjoying this. The plot was moving fast and the suspect list was growing. It seemed like there was going to be lots of twists and reveals, which there was but I felt a little let down at the end. It almost seemed to come to an abrupt halt. And the final reveal just did not feel shocking. It is not that I was expecting it but it didn’t hit me like some of Lapena’s other books. There are unreliable narrators, multiple POVs and even chapters featuring the Diana’s ghost. I just didn’t feel as excited at the end of the story as I was at the beginning.

What’s Ashley Reading?: Dear Hanna

Dear Hanna by Zoje Stage

First line : Hanna had a feeling about them as soon as she saw them in the waiting room.

Summary : Hanna has spent the last sixteen years trying to deal with her feelings toward her mother through therapy and letter writing to her younger brother. She is now living a rather normal life as a wife and stepmother. That is until her stepdaughter starts to change into something that does not fit into Hanna’s carefully crafted plan. She tries to fight it but finally she decides she has to manipulate the people around her in order to have the life she has so long planned for herself no matter the cost.

My thoughts : I really need to start reading the synopsis of books I request. I saw the author’s name and automatically requested it. I did not realize or pay attention to the fact that this is a sequel to Baby Teeth. That books was crazy and Stage hasn’t written one I’ve liked as well as that one until this.

Revisiting Hanna as an adult is kind of a scary premise. She was a terrifying child. She tried to kill her mother! But I did not realize the link between the books until she mentions an incident from the first book that made it all click. I would have read this sooner had I known. This was just as crazy and twisty as the first one. Hanna has grown up but still has her demons.

FYI : Teenage pregnancy. Abortion. Death. Language. Murder.

Monica’s Musings: Bright Young Women

Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll

“Right here, right now, I want you to forget two things: he was nothing special, and what happened was not random.”
― Jessica Knoll, Bright Young Women

Summary: January 1978. A serial killer has terrorized women across the Pacific Northwest, but his existence couldn’t be
further from the minds of the vibrant young women at the top sorority on
Florida State University’s campus in Tallahassee. Tonight is a night of
promise, excitement, and desire, but Pamela Schumacher, president of
the sorority, makes the unpopular decision to stay home—a decision that
unwittingly saves her life.

Startled awake at 3 a.m. by a strange sound, she makes the fateful decision to investigate. What she finds behind the door is a scene of implausible violence—two of her sorority sisters dead; two others, maimed. Over the next few days, Pamela is thrust into a terrifying mystery inspired by the crime that’s captivated public interest for more than four decades.

On the other side of the country, Tina Cannon has found peace in Seattle after years of hardship. A chance encounter brings twenty-five-year-old Ruth into her life, a young woman with painful secrets of her own, and the two form an instant connection. When Ruth goes missing from Lake Sammamish State Park in broad daylight, surrounded by thousands of beach-goers on a beautiful summer day, Tina devotes herself to finding out what happened to her. When she hears about the tragedy in Tallahassee, she knows it’s the man the papers refer to as the All-American Sex Killer. Determined to make him answer for what he did to Ruth, she travels to Florida on a collision course with Pamela—and one last impending tragedy.

Bright Young Women is the story about two women from opposite sides of the country who become sisters in their fervent pursuit of the truth. It proposes a new narrative inspired by evidence that’s been glossed over for decades in favor of more salable headlines—that the so-called brilliant and charismatic serial killer from Seattle was far more average than the countless books, movies, and prime time specials have led us to believe, and that it was the women whose lives he cut short who were the exceptional ones.

My Opinion: Bright Young Women is based on the real-life murders by Ted Bundy. This book is really difficult to rate. It started out really good. I appreciate the author’s attempt to focus on the victims rather than “the defendant”. I love the title and the cover is absolutely gorgeous! The title is a play on the words of the Florida judge who called Bundy “a bright young man”, because the focus is on the young women who recognize their worth and intelligence.

Despite the potential this book had, the execution fell completely flat for me. This story is all over the place and not in a good way. I think part of my problem was that I listened to the audio version. It made it that much more difficult to keep track of where in time we were.

My biggest gripe is with the character Ruth. Her sections were off-putting and felt unnecessary to the overall story. I was completely offended when Ruth was outraged by another women grieving a miscarriage in a group grief therapy session, and referred to a late-term miscarriage as losing a “turnip”.

This book would have benefited from including a historical note at the end. I knew a little bit about these murders, but by the end I had to find out which parts of the book were factual and which were not.

For an even more detailed review with pictures from the Ted Bundy case, please see this impressive review by Goodreads user, Barbara! Click Here

What’s Ashley Reading?: Maria

Maria by Michelle Moran

First line: Dear Mr. Hammerstein, It may come as a surprise that I am writing to you, as it appears that the theater industry believes I am dead and can now make up whatever they wish about me.

Summary: In the 1950s, Oscar Hammerstein was asked to write the music for the upcoming Broadway musical, The Sound of Music, based on the life of an Austrian nun named Maria von Trapp. With just a few weeks until the premiere, the office of Rodgers and Hammerstein receive a letter from the musical’s heroine stating her displeasure with the changes they made to her story. In an attempt to head off any bad press the former nun could throw at the new musical, Hammerstein asks his secretary and aspiring writer, Fran, to talk with Maria and try to smooth over any discrepancies. While Fran listens to Maria’s tale she learns that life for the Von Trapps was much more complicated than even the best Broadway musical can portray.

My Thoughts: When I was younger, The Sound of Music was one of my favorite movies. I love Julie Andrews and her rendition of these beautiful songs. While in fifth grade my family took a trip to Germany with a detour to Salzburg, Austria where my family visited several filming/historical locations from the story. It was a highlight for me on that trip, along with visiting the birthplace of Mozart. My love of history started young.

Michelle Moran is a fantastic historical fiction writer. She brings the women she writes about to life and gives a deeper look into their lives. Even though I loved the musical, I never actually read Maria’s autobiography so much of what I “knew” of the Trapp family was from the film and a few facts from movie photo books. I learned a lot about this woman and the family she joined through this story. And I definitely want to read more about the life of this family.

I think it was a great idea to write the story using the upcoming musical as a backdrop rather than a straightforward biographical fiction novel. Many people know the story because of the musical and this will draw them in while also bringing them the true story. For fans of the musical, this is a great companion story.

Monica’s Musings: The Mythical Cookbook

The Mythical Cookbook by Josh Scherer

“Food has never, in the history of the world, been solely about fueling the body. Food is culture, it is tradition, and above all, it is pure freakin’ happiness on a plate.
― Josh Scherer, The Mythical Cookbook

Summary: From the larger-than-life team behind the internet’s most-watched daily show, Good Mythical Morning , and culinary spinoff, Mythical Kitchen , a one-of-a-kind cookbook with 100 recipes for living a Mythical, and delicious, life. When it comes to food—the good, the gooder, and the shockingly not un-good—Mythical Chef Josh, Rhett & Link, and the Mythical Kitcheneers have just about done it all. They’ve taste-tested, mythbusted, and dreamed up the most inventive, delicious, and ridiculous foods imaginable, all for your eyeballs to eat on-screen.

But, since your mouth does a much better job of eating than your eyeballs, this flavor-packed cookbook is bringing the best of the Mythical extended universe into your kitchen. From breakfast to dessert and everything in between, inside these pages you’ll find fan favorites and new inspirations. Filled with one-of-a-kind recipes, profound life advice, candid photos, and at least one weird story about an angry toaster that’s come to life, The Mythical Cookbook will help you cook deliciously, eat happily, and live Mythically. And have no fear while their on-screen creations push food to the limits, the recipes in this book are delicious and doable for real life in real kitchens. Bring extra napkins to the table—you’ll need them.

My Opinion: Recently, I have fallen back into the world of Good Mythical Morning. While I was on maternity leave, you could walk into my home any time of the day to see Rhett and Link on my TV, keeping me company. Over the last three months, I have binged the show to the point where I know the crew by name! Safe to say, I was excited to get my hands on The Mythical Cookbook.

I have found such fun recipes like fruity pebble pancakes, bacon cheeseburger lasagna, Doritos locos calzone, and so many more! Not only does this cookbook have unconventional recipes, it is very aesthetically pleasing! Overall, this is a cookbook that is useful and fun. I might have to buy a copy to keep in my kitchen.

What’s Ashley Reading?: Lies and Weddings

Lies and Weddings by Kevin Kwan

First line: “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.”

Summary: Rufus Gresham is one of the most eligible bachelors and the heir to an earldom. However, the Gresham family has a secret they are hoping is remedied by his marriage to a wealthy young woman. But Rufus does not want to marry for money. He has long harbored feelings for the girl next door, a young doctor, Eden Tong. Then at the wedding of Rufus’s sister he accidentally reveals some rather scandalous information leading to whispers surrounding the young doctor. As the rumors and innuendos gain momentum Eden is ostracized by the matriarch of the family she has known her whole life. Can Rufus defy his mother’s plans and marry the woman he loves?

My Thoughts: I wasn’t sure about reading this book since the first one did not hit as highly as the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy but I am glad I gave it a try. It seems Kwan got back into the flow with this one. It felt much more complete. The story was filled with shocking moments, interesting characters and huge misunderstandings.

As with his other books, Kwan writes of the lavish lifestyles of the rich and this one is no different. There are several jaw dropping weddings and events throughout the story. It is a world that many cannot even imagine but he describes it in a way that makes it more accessible. The characters may feel a little cliché but they are interesting and memorable. Lady Arabella is the scheming mother looking for good matches for her children. Then there is Luis, a child of wealth who is determined to live lavishly without any cares for others. But on the opposite end is Eden, a doctor who spent her life on the periphery of wealth but not being tempted to enter its world. I found myself easily caught up in the plot. If you cannot take a real vacation then maybe a dive into this story will help you to escape the hot Kansas summer.

There is much to enjoy in this book! If you read and loved the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy then I would highly recommend Kwan’s newest book.

Monica’s Musings: Expiration Dates

Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle

“But being surprised by life isn’t losing, it’s living. It’s messy and uncomfortable and complicated and beautiful. It’s life, all of it. The only way to get it wrong is to refuse to play.”
― Rebecca Serle, Expiration Dates

Summary: Daphne Bell believes the universe has a plan for her. Every time she meets a new man, she receives a slip of paper with his name and a number on it—the exact amount of time they will be together. The papers told her she’d spend three days with Martin in Paris; five weeks with Noah in San Francisco; and three months with Hugo, her ex-boyfriend turned best friend. Daphne has been receiving the numbered papers for over twenty years, always wondering when there might be one without an expiration. Finally, the night of a blind date at her favorite Los Angeles restaurant, there’s only a name: Jake.

But as Jake and Daphne’s story unfolds, Daphne finds herself doubting the paper’s prediction, and wrestling with what it means to be both committed and truthful. Because Daphne knows things Jake doesn’t, information that—if he found out—would break his heart.

My Opinion: Once again, a book by Rebecca Serle does not disappoint! I thought this one would be a light, fluffy romance, but boy, was I wrong! This book was so much more. The concept of receiving notes that show how long a relationship will last is quite intriguing. I managed this one in a single session.

There were a few surprise twists that I did not see coming, but the best part for me was when Daphne stopped letting the pieces of paper dictate her life. She took control and realized you only have one life, so do what you want! I like how Serle writes because it is unique but not too wordy, and her books are always unique.

Check out my reviews of In Five Years and One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle too!