Ultimate Guide to Reading Wonder Woman through the Derby Public Library

Hey nerds!

Reading comics can be a complicated thing. The main character’s stories are told and retold by different authors, artists, and illustrators. They are reproduced, collected, recollected.

Popular issues are reprinted. Unpopular issues never see the light on their illustrations again. So how does one read a popular comic’s story from beginning to finish– alpha to omega? They search online for an ultimate guide, that’s how!

Today, I have for you an ultimate guide to reading Wonder Woman. This guide, however, is specific to what the Derby Public Library (and the consortium we are a part of) owns and lends out to the public.

Here we go:

Wonder Woman was “born” in the Golden Age of comics– 1942. I say born meaning published for the first time. Her story has been “restarted” multiple times, though. In other words, there are several options for “starting points” within Wonder Woman’s stories.

Her story was introduced in 1942 by William Moulton Marston. She was redesigned with the Silver age of comics in 1958 by Robert Kanigher. It was reintroduced in 1987 by George Perez, and again by Greg Rucka in 2006. Wonder Woman New 52 was introduced in 2011 by Brian Azzarello. Greg Rucka took another stab at a Wonder Woman reintroduction in 2016 with the “Rebirth” relaunch.

I like to start at the beginning, so that is what I will do with you. Keep in mind, though, that YOU can start wherever you want!

From here, I’ll leave you a list (with links!) of which books to read in which order. Each book will fall into one of four categories:
DPL book
Consortium Book
ILL book
Not currently Collected

A DPL book, is a book we carry here at the Derby Public Library. A Consortium book is a book one of our “sister” libraries has available for check out. You can check it out with you Derby Public Library Card, and it will be brought here via courier for your convenience. An ILL (or Inter Library Loan) book is not available in our consortium, but thanks to some amazing people here at the Derby Public Library… someone in Alaska, Florida, or anywhere in between might have a copy available for you to borrow. Our ILL team with source it, have it shipped here, and available for you to pick up with the simple request form. There is, unfortunately, a fourth category: the Currently Uncollected category. These are issues I have been unable to find collected CONVENIENTLY for you, the reader. These issues may be easier found as singles at your local comic book shop (or Amazon), or if you are lucky available for read online.

Without further adieu, your reading list:

How to Read Wonder Woman, at the Derby Public Library

  • Golden Age
    • Not Currently Collected:
      • Sensation Comics #105-106
      • Wonder Woman #48-97
      • Comic Cavalcade #13
    • ILL: Wonder Woman the Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 2 by William Moulton Marston
    • ILL: Wonder Woman the Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 3 by William Moulton Marston, Joye Murchison, Robert Kanigher, and others
    • ILL: Wonder Woman the Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 4 by Joye Murchison and others
    • ILL: Wonder Woman the Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 5 by various authors
    • ILL: All Star Comics Archive Vol. 0-11
    • ILL: Wonder Woman The Complete Newspaper Strip, 1943-1944 OR Wonder Woman: The Complete Newspaper Comics OR Wonder Woman The Complete Dailies
  • Silver Age
    • Not Currently Collected:
      • Wonder Woman: #205-211;
      • 223-270;
      • 291-293;
      • 296-329
    • ILL: Showcase Presents: Wonder Woman, Vol. 1-4
    • ILL: Diana Prince: Wonder Woman, Vol 1-4
    • ILL: Wonder Woman The Twelve Labors
    • ILL: Huntress: Darknight Daughter
  • Collections  part of “official Wonder Woman”, but not “in order”
    • Consortium (Andover/El Dorado)Wonder Woman, a Celebration of 75 Years by William Moulton Marston
      • All-Star Comics 8; Sensation Comics 1; Wonder Woman VOL. 1 7, 28, 99, 107, 179, 204, 288; Wonder Woman VOL. 2 1, Wonder Woman 64, Wonder Woman 93, 142, 177, 195, 600; Wonder Woman VOL. 3 0; Justice League: New Frontier Special 1; Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman 1, 7
  • In order APPEARANCES out of WW series
    • Golden
    • Silver
    • Modern
      • ILL: Wednesday Comics by Neil Gaiman
      • ILL: Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint Featuring Wonder Woman       

Finally, if you LOVE the character, but aren’t so into the original story & trajectory, there have been many novelizations over the years. Too many to list here (perhaps another post, another day). They are easy to find with a quick Koha search at the library, though. We have novelizations (and graphic novels) for those interested in all ages: picture books, beginner readers, chapter books, young adult, and graphic novelizations!

Happy reading, my friends!

Booktube-A-Thon 2018

From planning programs to signing up summer readers to a full week of editing our Moviecraft films, it has been one busy summer, and I have definitely been neglecting my reading. Goodreads tells me every time I log in that I am four books behind on my yearly reading goal. For shame! Now with summer winding down, I think it’s time to catch up on that goal, and what better way to tackle a lot of reading at once then with a read-a-thon! Luckily, the annual Booktube-A-Thon starts on Monday, and as Spongebob says

What is the Booktube-A-Thon?

According to the Booktube-A-Thon website,

“The BookTube-A-Thon is a week-long readathon hosted by Ariel Bissett! The first BookTube-A-Thon took place in 2013, co-hosted by Raeleen Lemay, and is now in its fifth year! It is the largest readathon on YouTube and an opportunity for the BookTube community to come together to celebrate reading by creating bookish content and reading lots of books!”

This year’s Booktube-A-Thon starts on Monday, July 30 to Sunday, August 5. It is a wonderful way to have fun with reading, push yourself to prioritize reading, and see all kinds of video and reading challenges on YouTube. Here is this year’s announcement video with all the details.

The best way to get ready for any read-a-thon is to plan a TBR (to be read) pile, and as with most week-long read-a-thons, there are seven challenges that readers are dared to complete. If you do, you get a super cool 2018 Booktube-A-Thon Certificate in your email!

My TBR Pile

Reading Challenges Announcement Video

Challenge 1: Let a coin toss decide your first read

So whether I’m lazy and didn’t want to pick two books or I’m courageous because I upped the risk, I actually had a random number generator pick my book instead! I made sure that all of my TBR books for the week were under 300 pages because I’m trying not to set myself up for failure.

I’m reading: The Count of Monte Cristo Manga by Alexandre Dumas, Crystal Silvermoon, and Nokman Poon

Challenge 2: Read a book about something you want to do

Fun fact about me: I’m a mermaid! No, really, I actually practice swimming in a mermaid tail. It’s so much fun and a really good workout. I’ve had this book on my Goodreads TBR for a while, and it’s just the right length. I want to be a mermaid and living in Kansas, I’m as landlocked as I can get.

I’m reading: A Survival Guide for Landlocked Mermaids by Margot Datz

Challenge 3: Read and watch a book to movie adaptation

I wanted to pick a book that would be a quick-read and a movie that I readily had access to so I chose this one because the movie is on Hulu, and I’ve never watched a comic book to movie adaptation before.

I’m reading: I Kill Giants by Joe Kelly and JM Ken Nimura

Challenge 4: Read a book with green on the cover

No matter the version of this book, it seems every one of them has green on the cover, and it’s a classic fantasy story that I’ve been wanting to try for a while.

I’m reading: Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey

Challenge 5: Read a book while wearing the same hat the whole time

I’m not really a hat person, but I have a few hats crammed into my closet, specifically a black fedora that makes me feel super fancy. I used a random number generator again to pick this book.

I’m reading: Stolen by Lucy Christopher

Challenge 6: Read a book with a beautiful spine

While straightening books in the middle grade section, I actually pulled this book of the shelf to look at it because the spine caught my eye so much. The illustrations on the cover are incredible, and I can only hope the book is just as awesome.

I’m reading: If the Magic Fits by Susan Maupin Schmid

Challenge 7: Read seven books

This last challenge is a “freebie” and an encourager to get through seven books. Once again, I threw my number of Goodreads Want-to-Read books into a random number generator and out popped this book.

I’m reading: Bonfire by Krysten Ritter

The last two read-a-thons that I attempted left me sleep-deprived and sick with a cold. Hopefully with a TBR that I’m really excited about and with a few books that should be quick reads, I’ll be able to get through the Booktube-A-Thon unscathed. If you’re up for the challenge and thinking of trying the Booktube-A-Thon, let me know in the comments and share your TBR pile!

Happy reading!