Bad Summer People by Emma Rosenblum

“She was adept at handling difficult personalities, stroking people’s egos, and allowing them to think they were in charge.”
― Emma Rosenblum, Bad Summer People
Summary: None of them would claim to be a particularly good person. But who among them is actually capable of murder?
Jen Weinstein and Lauren Parker rule the town of Salcombe, Fire Island every summer. They hold sway on the beach and the tennis court, and are adept at manipulating people to get what they want. Their husbands, Sam and Jason, have summered together on the island since childhood, despite lifelong grudges and numerous secrets. Their one single friend, Rachel Woolf, is looking to meet her match, whether he’s the tennis pro-or someone else’s husband. But even with plenty to gossip about, this season starts out as quietly as any other.
Until a body is discovered, face down off the side of the boardwalk.
Stylish, subversive and darkly comedic, this is a story of what’s lurking under the surface of picture-perfect lives in a place where everyone has something to hide.
My Opinion: This book is like a trash TV script. As someone who genuinely enjoys that kind of entertainment, this still somehow missed the mark. There’s no one to root for, and there’s not even an interesting downfall for any of the characters. Bad, rich people doing boring, bad things for a whole summer. Not even their offenses are thrilling.
I nearly did not finish this book because, at the 70% mark, there was still no murder! It finally picked up the last few chapters of the story, but it seemed very tame and did not have a very intense plot line. I really wasn’t expecting much from this one, as I just wanted a fun story about rich people being devious. Definitely not my favorite, but it wasn’t bad for what it is.