Hey nerds!
Reading comics can be a complicated thing. The main character’s stories are told and retold by different authors, artists, and illustrators. They are reproduced, collected, recollected.
Popular issues are reprinted. Unpopular issues never see the light on their illustrations again. So how does one read a popular comic’s story from beginning to finish– alpha to omega? They search online for an ultimate guide, that’s how!
Today, I have for you an ultimate guide to reading Wonder Woman. This guide, however, is specific to what the Derby Public Library (and the consortium we are a part of) owns and lends out to the public.
Here we go:
Wonder Woman was “born” in the Golden Age of comics– 1942. I say born meaning published for the first time. Her story has been “restarted” multiple times, though. In other words, there are several options for “starting points” within Wonder Woman’s stories.
Her story was introduced in 1942 by William Moulton Marston. She was redesigned with the Silver age of comics in 1958 by Robert Kanigher. It was reintroduced in 1987 by George Perez, and again by Greg Rucka in 2006. Wonder Woman New 52 was introduced in 2011 by Brian Azzarello. Greg Rucka took another stab at a Wonder Woman reintroduction in 2016 with the “Rebirth” relaunch.
I like to start at the beginning, so that is what I will do with you. Keep in mind, though, that YOU can start wherever you want!
From here, I’ll leave you a list (with links!) of which books to read in which order. Each book will fall into one of four categories:
DPL book
Consortium Book
ILL book
Not currently Collected
A DPL book, is a book we carry here at the Derby Public Library. A Consortium book is a book one of our “sister” libraries has available for check out. You can check it out with you Derby Public Library Card, and it will be brought here via courier for your convenience. An ILL (or Inter Library Loan) book is not available in our consortium, but thanks to some amazing people here at the Derby Public Library… someone in Alaska, Florida, or anywhere in between might have a copy available for you to borrow. Our ILL team with source it, have it shipped here, and available for you to pick up with the simple request form. There is, unfortunately, a fourth category: the Currently Uncollected category. These are issues I have been unable to find collected CONVENIENTLY for you, the reader. These issues may be easier found as singles at your local comic book shop (or Amazon), or if you are lucky available for read online.
Without further adieu, your reading list:
How to Read Wonder Woman, at the Derby Public Library

- Golden Age
- Not Currently Collected:
- Sensation Comics #105-106
- Wonder Woman #48-97
- Comic Cavalcade #13
- DPL: Wonder Woman: the Golden Age #1 by William Moulton Marston (YA Marston)
- DPL: Wonder Woman, the Golden Age #2 by William Moulton Marston (YA Marston)
- DPL: Wonder Woman: the Golden Age #3 by William Moulton Marston (YA Marston)
- ILL: Wonder Woman the Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 2 by William Moulton Marston
- ILL: Wonder Woman the Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 3 by William Moulton Marston, Joye Murchison, Robert Kanigher, and others
- ILL: Wonder Woman the Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 4 by Joye Murchison and others
- ILL: Wonder Woman the Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 5 by various authors
- ILL: All Star Comics Archive Vol. 0-11
- ILL: Wonder Woman The Complete Newspaper Strip, 1943-1944 OR Wonder Woman: The Complete Newspaper Comics OR Wonder Woman The Complete Dailies
- Not Currently Collected:

- Silver Age
- Not Currently Collected:
- Wonder Woman: #205-211;
- 223-270;
- 291-293;
- 296-329
- ILL: Showcase Presents: Wonder Woman, Vol. 1-4
- ILL: Diana Prince: Wonder Woman, Vol 1-4
- ILL: Wonder Woman The Twelve Labors
- ILL: Huntress: Darknight Daughter
- Not Currently Collected:

- Modern
- Not Currently Collected:
- #46- 57
- #63-84
- #86-89
- #137-163
- #5
- #11-13
- DPL: Wonder Woman by George Perez #1 by George Perez (YA Perez)
- DPL: Wonder Woman by George Perez #2 by George Perez (YA Perez)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman by George Perez #3 by George Perez (YA Perez)
- DPL: Wonder Woman by George Perez #4 by George Perez (YA Perez)
- DPL: Wonder Woman: War of the Gods by George Perez (YA Perez)
- DPL: Wonder Woman by Mike Deodato by Mike Deodato (YA Deodato)
- Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman by John Byrne #1 by John Byrne
- Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman 2 by John Byrne
- Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman by John Byrne #3
- ILL: Wonder Woman by Phil Jimenez Omnibus
- DPL: Wonder Woman by Walt Simonson and Jerry Ordway by Walter Simonson (YA Simonson)
- DPL: Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka #1 by Greg Rucka (YA Rucka)
- DPL/Consortium (Mulvane): Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka #2 by Greg Rucka (YA Rucka)
- DPL: Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka #3 by Greg Rucka (YA Rucka)
- DPL: Wonder Woman: Who is Wonder Woman? By Allan Heinberg (F Wonder)
- DPL/Consortium (Goddard): Wonder Woman: Love and Murder by Jodi Picoult (YA Picoult)
- Consortium (El Dorado): Wonder Woman: The Circle
- ILL: Wonder Woman by Gail Simone Omnibus
- Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman: Odyssey, Vol. 1
- ILL: Wonder Woman: Odyssey, Vol. 2
- Not Currently Collected:

- New 52
- Consortium (Andover & El Dorado): Wonder Woman: #1 Blood by Brian Azzarello
- Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman: #2 Guts by Brian Azzarello
- Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman: #3 Iron by Brian Azzarello
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman: #4 War by Brian Azzarello (YA Azzarello)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman: #5 Flesh by Brian Azzarello (YA Azzarello)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman #6 Bones by Brian Azzarello (YA Azzarello)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman: #7 War-Torn by Meredith Finch (YA Finch)
- ILL: Convergence Crisis, Book 2
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman: #8 A Twist of Fate by Meredith Finch (YA Finch)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman: #9 Resurrection by Meredith Finch (YA Finch)

- Rebirth Era
- DPL/Consortium (Andover/Mulvane): Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Lies by Greg Rucka (YA Rucka)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover/ El Dorado): Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Year One by Greg Rucka (YA Rucka)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover/El Dorado/ Mulvane/ Park City): Wonder Woman Vol. 3: The Truth by Greg Rucka (YA Rucka)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover/ El Dorado): Wonder Woman Vol. 4: Godwatch by Greg Rucka
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman Vol. 5: Heart of the Amazon by Greg Rucka (YA Rucka)
- DPL: Wonder Woman Vol. 6: Children of the Gods by James Robinson (YA Robinson)
- DPL: Wonder Woman Vol. 7: Amazons Attacked by James Robinson (YA Robinson)
- DPL: Wonder Woman Vol. 8: The Dark Gods by James Robinson (YA Robinson)
- DPL: Wonder Woman Vol. 9: The Enemy of Both Sides by Steve Orlando (YA Orlando)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman and the Justice League Dark: The Witching Hour (YA Tynion)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover/ El Dorado): Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Just War b G. Willow Wilson (YA Wilson)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover/El Dorado): Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Love is a Battlefield by G. Willow Wilson (YA Wilson)
- Collections part of “official Wonder Woman”, but not “in order”
- Consortium (Andover/El Dorado)Wonder Woman, a Celebration of 75 Years by William Moulton Marston
- All-Star Comics 8; Sensation Comics 1; Wonder Woman VOL. 1 7, 28, 99, 107, 179, 204, 288; Wonder Woman VOL. 2 1, Wonder Woman 64, Wonder Woman 93, 142, 177, 195, 600; Wonder Woman VOL. 3 0; Justice League: New Frontier Special 1; Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman 1, 7
- Consortium (Andover/El Dorado)Wonder Woman, a Celebration of 75 Years by William Moulton Marston
- In order APPEARANCES out of WW series
- Golden
- Silver

- New 52
- ILL: DC Comics, The New 52 Villains Omnibus
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Superman/Wonder Woman: Vol. 1 Power Couple by Charles Soule (YA Soule)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 2: War and Peace by Charles Soule (YA Soule)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 3: Casualties of War by Charles Soule (YA Soule)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Superman/Wonder Woman: Vol. 4 Dark Truth by Charles Soule (YA Soule)
- DPL: Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 5 A Savage End by Charles Soule (YA Soule)
- Rebirth
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Trinity #1: Better Together by Francis Manapul (F Manapul)
- Consortium (Andover): Trinity #2: Dead Space by Francis Manapul
- Consortium (Andover): Trinity #3: Dark Destiny by Rob Williams
- Elseworlds
- DPL: Wonder Woman ’77 #1 by Marc Andreyko (YA Andreyko)
- DPL: Wonder Woman ’77 #2 by Marc Andreyko (YA Andreyko)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Legend of Wonder Woman by Renae De Liz (YA De Liz)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover/ El Dorado): Wonder Woman: Earth One #1 by Grant Morrison (YA Morrison)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman: Earth One #2 by Grant Morrison (YA Morrison)
- DPL/Consortium (Andover): Wonder Woman: The True Amazon by Jill Thompson (YA Thompson)
- Academic Wonder Woman
- DPL: Essential Wonder Woman Encyclopedia by Phil Jimenez and John Wells (741.5 Jimenez)
Finally, if you LOVE the character, but aren’t so into the original story & trajectory, there have been many novelizations over the years. Too many to list here (perhaps another post, another day). They are easy to find with a quick Koha search at the library, though. We have novelizations (and graphic novels) for those interested in all ages: picture books, beginner readers, chapter books, young adult, and graphic novelizations!
Happy reading, my friends!