Last Read :: “The Lemon Apron Cookbook: Seasonal Recipes for the Curious Home Cook” by Jennifer Emilson

Format: Physical
Genre: Cookbook, Non Fiction
I cannot lie, as most cookbooks do, I was pulled in by the cover photo. Plates of pasta are my weakness! I knew this was my kind of cookbook when I noticed most recipes had short ingredient lists and the longest were maybe around fifteen items. Broken down into the four seasons, this cookbook has delightful recipes sure to get you out of your comfort zone but also pay homage to dishes you may be used to already. A bonus to this cookbook is the wonderful, curated photos that show off not just the food but the seasons themself.
Current Read :: “Full Out: Lessons in Life and Leadership from America’s Favorite Coach” by Monica Aldama
Format: Physical
Genre: Non Fiction, Leadership

From the coach behind the Netflix docuseries Cheer, Monica Aldama shares the makings of how she leads the multi-championship winning team from Navarro College but also how she became the coach she is now. What I have loved most so far from this book is the numerous examples Aldama shares of being not just a leader but a great friend and a person of integrity. She tells her life lessons in short snippets that carry a big punch leaving each chapter with a lot to think about. This book would be a great read for anyone wanting to step up their game in any area of their life, it’s not just for athletes!
Next Read :: “The Boyfriend” by Frieda McFadden
Format: Audiobook via Libby
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Fiction
I discovered Frieda McFadden and her books earlier this year. I tried my first one purely to see what the hype was about after seeing them all over the internet. Since picking my first one up I have read a few of them; my favorite has been “The Inmate”. I have been waiting to see how “The Boyfriend” compares in the twists and turns I experienced that kept me enthralled with “The Inmate”. Told in a dual point of view and timeline format, readers have said this newest McFadden book is on par with her twisty and winding thrills previously written.

What books are on your Last, Current, Next?