What’s Ashley Reading?: Funny Story

Funny Story by Emily Henry

First line: Some people are natural storytellers.

Summary: Daphne believes she has the perfect life. She is engaged to a wonderful man, has the job of her dreams (a children’s librarian) and lives in the beautiful town of Waning Bay, Wisconsin. But it all comes crashing down when her fiancé, Peter, realizes that he is in love with his best friend, Petra. In a spur of the moment decision, Daphne accepts the offer to move in with Petra’s ex, Miles.

While most days are spent avoiding each other, one night they form a bond over their shared heartache leading Daphne to accidentally insinuate to Peter that her and Miles are now a couple. As the two spend more time together and just happen to post photos of the two of them, Daphne starts to wonder if her friendship with Miles may become more than either of them expected. Maybe their fake relationship has become more real than pretend?

My Thoughts: I absolutely adored this book! It is definitely my favorite of Emily Henry’s rom-com books so far. She writes interesting characters (ones that all seem to be a part of the book world), who are witty and people that are easy to cheer for.

I loved the relationship between Daphne and Miles. The unlikely pairing who perfectly complement each other. She is the tight laced librarian and he is the free spirit bartender. We have all seen this movie or read this book. It is predictable but fun! But Henry adds backstories to each that make their relationships with everyone around them more complicated. And then there is the wonderful cast of supporting characters who add wisecracks as well as insight into the main characters. I wanted to live in this book.

If you are looking for a book to take on vacation, read by the pool or add to your Summer Reading Program TBR, then I would highly recommend this! However, I would also recommend any other books as well. They all pair well with the summer vibes that are nearly here.

What’s Ashley Reading?: The Seven Year Slip

The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston

First line: “This apartment is magical,” Aunt Analea once said, sitting in her wingback chair the color of a robin’s egg, her hair twisted up with a silver dagger hairpin.

Summary: Clementine has many fond memories of her aunt. She loved adventure and told the most fantastic stories including the one about her magical apartment. But after her aunt dies, Clementine inherits the apartment which she is unsure she can live in because of all the memories associated with it. Until one day she returns home from work to find a man in her apartment. He claims to have been allowed to stay for the summer but the summer in question is seven years in the past. It appears that her aunt’s stories were true. How will these temporary roommates coexist in different times and not fall for each other? Only time will tell.

My Thoughts: Another rom-com author has sucked me into their fandom. This was a cute magical romance. However, below the romance was a young woman struggling with her grief at the loss of her aunt. It gives extra depth to the story and character. The romance was sweet yet complicated. Each of the characters are trying to find themselves in bustling New York City but they magically stumble upon the person they were meant to be with but at the wrong time. Sounds like the perfect formula for romance!

Even though some aspects were rather predictable (which rom-coms aren’t) I found this enjoyable and worth the hype. For fans of Emily Henry this is a perfect read. I just purchased a copy of Poston’s other popular romance, The Dead Romantics, which I am very much looking forward to diving into.