Mom and Me Reviews: Moving to the Neighborhood

Jodi Platypus moves into the house next door to Daniel Tiger. The new house doesn’t feel like home, because things are different! Together they learn how to feel better when things are new and different.

First Line: “It was a special day in the neighborhood!”

Summary: Jodi Platypus moves into the house next door to Daniel Tiger. The new house doesn’t feel like home, because things are different! Together they learn how to feel better when things are new and different.


                Maggie: Did not participate in today’s storytime

                Conor: CONSTANT Excited chatter

                Mama Lala:

3,110 BEST 4 5 Stars IMAGES, STOCK PHOTOS & VECTORS | Adobe Stock

My Thoughts: This BOARD book was a little too wordy for my two-year-old. He made it through all but the last page, though, so I know he liked the book! This book taught a great lesson– something every young child experiences. Even better, it included a Mr.Rogers/Daniel Tiger jingle!

FYI: This is part of a series, and stems from a television show. The show, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, is actually based off another show, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood!

Happy Reading our friends,

Mama Lala, Maggie, & Conor

What’s Ashley Reading?: Blade of Secrets

Blade of Secrets by Tricia Levenseller

First line: I prefer metal to people, which is why the forge is my safe space.

Summary: Ziva, an eighteen-year-old female blacksmith, makes magical weapons in her forge. But one day she takes a commission from a powerful warlord. With this commission she makes the most deadly weapon ever. It has the power to bring nations to their knees. In order to keep it from the woman who wants to use it to take over the country she and her sister flee their home to find a way to destroy the weapon before it can be used.

My Thoughts: I have come to love Levenseller’s books. She writes such fun stories that have great characters. This one was the same. Her main character deals with social anxiety while also have a powerful gift and talent. It is great to see author’s bringing in characters that are not perfect. Everyone needs a hero that represents them.

The beginning of the story seemed to drag for me. It took a while for me to get invested in what was happening which was really disappointing because usually I am all in for the author’s stories. About halfway in I started loving the characters, enjoyed the possible romance and was waiting for some big twist to happen. But the end is what made it hard trying to decide how to rate this book. I loved the last 25% or so. Characters became more developed, secrets are revealed and a big battle happens. And of course a cliffhanger.

I will definitely read the next book.

FYI: This is the first book in a duology.

Dylan’s Book Recommendation: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

First line: I was born with water on the brain.

Summary: Junior is a budding cartoonist growing up on the Spokane Indian reservation. Born with a variety of medical problems, he is picked on by everyone but his best friend. Determined to receive a good education, Junior leaves the rez to attend an all-white school in the neighboring farm town where the only other Indian is the school mascot. Despite being condemned as a traitor to his people and enduring great tragedies, Junior attacks life with wit and humor and discovers a strength inside of himself that he never knew existed. Inspired by his own experiences growing up, award-winning author Sherman Alexie chronicles the contemporary adolescence of one unlucky boy trying to rise above the life everyone expects him to live. (summary is from the back of the book)

Thoughts: If you are a young adolescent, and are feeling sad, I highly recommend this book. I highly recommend anything that has unfiltered humor in it. It may be offensive, but offensive things are truly hilarious if you think from an objective point of mind. I found this book to be incredibly hilarious.

Warning: there is a lot of mild sexual humor in this, but it is incredibly hilarious.

Mom and Me Reviews: Martina the Beautiful Cockroach

Based oon an old Cuban folktale, Martina the cockroach decides she is ready to find a husband. Her abuela suggests she give each suitor “the coffee test” to determine how they might treat her when they are angry.

Martina the Beautiful Cockroach: A Cuban Folktale by Carmen Agra Deedy,  Michael Austin, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®
Martina the Beautiful Cockroach– A Cuban Folktale by Carmen Agra Deedy

First Line: “Martina Josefina Catalina Cucaracha was a beautiful cockroach.”

Summary: Based oon an old Cuban folktale, Martina the cockroach decides she is ready to find a husband. Her abuela suggests she give each suitor “the coffee test” to determine how they might treat her when they are angry.


3,110 BEST 4 5 Stars IMAGES, STOCK PHOTOS & VECTORS | Adobe Stock

                Conor: Too long to hold his attention

3,110 BEST 4 5 Stars IMAGES, STOCK PHOTOS & VECTORS | Adobe Stock
Mama Lala

Their Thoughts: “I didn’t get some of the jokes.” — Maggie. She also said she prefers human characters to animal characters, but that it didn’t affect whether she enjoyed the story or not.

My Thoughts: Reads like a good folktale. I enjoyed reading a folktale I hadn’t heard of before– I try to subject my kids to as many different cultures as possible, especially through literature. The story, as written, was pretty punny, which was a nice addition for the adults reading the story. My only complaint is the idea of “finding a suitor” as a topic. Obviously that idea is a little dated, but when viewed in the context of a folktale it is still enjoyable.

FYI: ¡También tenemos una copia de esta historia en español en la sucursal de Park City de nuestro consorcio!

Happy Reading our friends,

Mama Lala, Maggie, & Conor

What’s Ashley Reading?: How Y’all Doing?

How Y’all Doing? by Leslie Jordan

First line: “Well, shit. How y’all doing?”

Summary: Leslie Jordan has spent years acting in shows like Will and Grace, The Help and now is on Call Me Kat. Even with his long list of acting credits he never dreamed of the fame he would get from joining Instagram. During the start of the pandemic he was “hunkered down” with his family in the South. In order to keep himself entertained he made little videos that he shared with all his new friends on Instagram. He became an overnight success! In this collection of stories from his life we get a look into his life before and during the pandemic.

My Thoughts: I love Leslie Jordan. He first caught my attention as Beverly Leslie on Will and Grace. Every episode he appeared in, he stole the show. His lines and persona were perfect for such a fun and quirky show. When I saw he was on Instagram at the start of the pandemic I immediately started following him. He made me laugh a lot, which was much needed during the spring of 2020. I have re-watched many of his shenanigans and stories several times because they are so lighthearted.

Reading this book was just like when I read a David Sedaris book. I can hear the author telling their story in their voice while I read. I laughed and learned a lot about this man who has done a lot in the years of his career. I would highly recommend this for its uplifting and charming stories about a small gay man who lives his life with a smile on his face.

FYI: Short little book with lots of heart.

Monica’s Musings: In Five Years

In Five Years by Rebecca Serle

“The future is the one thing you can count on not abandoning you, kid, he’d said. The future always finds you. Stand still, and it will find you. The way the land just has to run to the sea.”

― Rebecca Serle, In Five Years

This book caught my attention when I read the summary on the inside cover. Dannie is living a life that she has tediously planned. Every minute is meticulously mapped out in her mind, leaving no room for error. However, when she wakes up from a nap and is five years in the future, she is shocked by what she sees. She is in a different apartment, with a different man, and has a different ring on her finger. When she is snapped back to her current life an hour later, she tries even harder to control things to prevent that moment from happening.

Before her journey to the future, Dannie and her boyfriend of two years, David, live together and they both are working hard to achieve their career goals. When he proposes, of course, she says yes. Everything so far is going according to their five-year plan. However, after her vision of the future on the night she says yes to David, her plan starts to crumble.

While this book focuses on Dannie’s five-year journey, there is another story line also taking place. Her childhood best friend, Bella, is the total opposite of her. Bella is a free spirit who lets the world decide her fate. They balance each other out, and they both rely on their friendship as the one thing that stays consistent in life. The author is able to capture the love between two friends, and it seems that their support for each other is the true love story in this book.

I enjoyed In Five Years, because of the fast pace at which the story evolves. It was a quick and easy read. However, I was expecting more of a grand finale to the book. About halfway through, my predictions on the ending were accurate. I would recommend it to anyone who likes a short, entertaining read.

It was focused on love, and friendship, and learning to let go of the things that cannot be controlled. When the book was over, I was left with the mindset of, “what will be, will be”, and there is no reason to spend life trying to alter the future. I would rate this story a 4.5 out of 5.

Mom and Me Reviews: If You Come to Earth

Quinn writes a letter to anyone who might visit Earth, and tells them about all the things they might see if they were to visit. Quinn tells them what earth looks like, who lives here, and how life is different for each of them.

First Line: “Dear Visitor from Outer Space, If you come to Earth, here’s what you need to know.”

Summary: Quinn writes a letter to anyone who might visit Earth, and tells them about all the things they might see if they were to visit. Quinn tells them what earth looks like, who lives here, and how life is different for each of them.



Four Stars Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

                Conor: one point toward the planet earth

                Mama Lala:

Four Stars Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Their Thoughts: My children did not have much to say about this book. They read it with me, dutifully, but didn’t think much of it. Maggie “liked” it, that’s about as much as I could get out of them.

My Thoughts: The illustrations in this book are beautiful, which makes sense since Sophie Blackall is a two-time Caldecott Medalist. I also appreciate the lettering of this book. (For those unaware, lettering is the style and placement of the words and letters in a book, though not the content of the words themselves.) The idea behind the book is quite lovely, as well. A beautiful book, top to bottom. I suppose the book may be a bit too cerebral for the audience it is directed at, which is why it lost a star for me. A great idea can only go so far, if it doesn’t connect to its audience. I recommend it more toward older readers, or teachers prepared to discuss the content with their class.

Happy Reading our friends,

Mama Lala, Maggie, & Conor

What’s Ashley Reading?: Every Vow You Break

Every Vow You Break by Peter Swanson

First line: She first spotted him at Bobbie’s Coffee Shop on Twenty-Second Street.

Summary: Just days before her wedding to millionaire, Bruce Lamb, the one night stand from her bachelorette weekend shows up trying to convince her to not go through with the wedding. She tries to ignore his attempts but then he appears at her wedding too. But she thinks that his stalking is over until he appears at the secluded island on her honeymoon. Does she tell Bruce or try to solve the situation on her own?

My Thoughts: When I looked at the rating for this book I was kind of surprised that it was so low. I found the book to be rather enjoyable with lots of dark and twisted moments. I found it to be more like an eighties horror movie than psychological thriller. And part of that can be found that several reveals were rather predictable. But I had a lot of fun reading it nonetheless.

Even though the island is supposed to be secluded and good for getting away from technology it also seems rather scary. You are secluded. On an island. With little communication. What if something bad happens? Well this book answers that question. And it was thrilling and scary.

FYI: Language, death, infidelity.

Anni’s Book Pick: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

“You don’t know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain’t no matter.”

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn , by Mark Twain, is about a young boy, Huck, in search of freedom and adventure. The shores of the Mississippi River provide the backdrop for the entire book. Huck is kidnapped by Pap, his drunken father. Pap kidnaps Huck because he wants Huck’s $6000. Huck was awarded $6000 from the treasure he and Tom Sawyer found in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Huck finally escapes from the deserted house in the woods and finds a canoe to shove off down the river. Instead of going back to the widow’s house, he decides to run away. He is sick of all of the confinement and civilization that the widow enforces upon him. He comes across Jim, Miss Watson’s slave, and together, they spend nights and days journeying down the river, both in search of freedom.(

This book is a classic that I think everyone should read. Some people say that you need to read Tom Sawyer before you read Huck Finn. I read Huck Finn first and had no problem understanding it. I like this book because it teaches the values of friendship, as Huck learns these values so do we. When reading this book I laughed, cried, and got mad several times all while going on an adventure with Huck and his friend.

Note: This book has language.

Mom and Me Reviews: I Am Every Good Thing

First Line: “I am/ a nonstop ball of energy.”

Summary: This book puts on display a set of inspiring poetry about a group of young black boys. It speaks of their virtues, and insinuates their innocence, kindness, and goodness. Each page reads like its own poem, but they flow together to form a larger piece.


                Maggie: 5 stars (2 – 4 stars after it made her emotional)

                Conor: 5 stars for page 23; 0 cares of all other pages

                Mama Lala: 5 stars

Their Thoughts: Maggie says, “Its like when you go home after a bad day, and you just sit on your bed… and your mom brings a blanket and just holds you. It feels good. Like that.”

Conor: My assumption of what he would say, “the picture on page 24 is pretty! I want to touch it!”

My Thoughts: This book was beautiful and inspirational. It can be (and should be) read both with and without the context of race. These statements and lyrics should be felt by all young people. That said, this book provided an excellent opportunity to discuss race and the issues surrounding race at this time.

I should note, Maggie said this was a 5 star book before I had this conversation with her. After I provided the context of the dedication page, she became emotional. I told her about Trayvon Matin, who was still a child when he’d been attacked. I told her he was about the same age as one of her cousins. This made the tears flow (which made her star count drop).

I explained to her that these conversations are sad and uncomfortable, but important to have.

Happy Reading our friends,

Mama Lala, Maggie, & Conor