April Fool’s Day

Around here April Fool’s Day is a day to look forward to. Two of our staff members wait for this day like it was Christmas. There are always shenanigans to be had and laughs all around. This year did not disappoint.

Mr. T always makes an appearance. Fun “facts” are scattered around the staff areas. “Notices” are posted for staff information.

Visit our Facebook page to see more pictures from April Fool’s Day 2017!

Thanks Justin and Megan for another wonderful April 1st.

Ashley Pohlenz
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Author: Ashley Pohlenz

I am the Interlibrary Loan & Cataloging Coordinator at Derby Public Library. I am in charge of library items, creating the library newsletter and writing book reviews for our blog and newsletter. Being able to work around books is a dream! I read anything but my favorite genres are historical fiction and YA. Give me anything set in Tudor England or teenage fantasy novel and I am set.

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