What’s Ashley Reading?: Boudicca

Boudicca by P. C. Cast

First line: For the rest of my life, when fog swirled in with the dawn, my stomach would tighten, and the small hairs on my forearms would lift.

Summary: In Roman controlled Britain, the local tribes are struggling to keep their autonomy. The Iceni tribe has a new queen, Boudicca, who is determined to not bend the knee to the occupying forces. After they are attacked and barely escape with their lives, Boudicca and the Iceni tribe gather their allies and plan a counter attack on three major Roman-held cities. As they prove their might through their victories they retreat for the winter and to strategize for the upcoming spring. However, the Druid seer sees that there is destruction in their future. With trust in her patron goddess, Boudicca and the Iceni hope to change their fate as the next battle with the Roman legions approaches.

My Thoughts: My interest in Boudicca and her rebellion are rather recent. Several years ago while visiting London I was able to visit the statue to Boudicca on Westminster Bridge. It is rather impressive as she looms over the bridge and raises her arms in challenge or maybe even triumph.

P.C. Cast brings the history and the woman who led an army against the Romans to life in her book. Boudicca was a fiery haired, powerful and passionate woman. She did what many men of her time would not have dreamed of doing. Through the narrative we see what led Boudicca on her mission to oust the Romans from Britain and the consequences of her actions. The story is not one that is easy to read, including the atrocities that were done to her and her daughters. As with many stories of war it is filled with death and loss but there is love and hope as well.

I found this to be an interesting first dive into Roman Britain and the Iceni rebellion. For anyone else who loves a strong female character and ancient history then I’d highly recommend picking this one up.

What’s Ashley Reading?: The Gilded Ones

The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna

First line: Today is the Ritual of Purity.

Summary: The Ritual of Purity is the day that young girls enter womanhood. Deka has always been different from the others in her tribe but she hopes that the ritual will redeem her in their eyes. But on the day, her blood runs gold rather than red, marking her as impure. She is imprisoned by the village elders.

After weeks of torture, a strange woman arrives and takes her to join a group of girls just like Deka. She learns that she is alaki, near immortal with special gifts. The girls are trained to fight and kill Deathshrieks, a creature that attacks and kills the people of Otera. As she trains she finds friendships but also starts to question everything that she grew up learning.

My Thoughts: The cover immediately caught my attention. It is stunning. Gorgeous colors that bring to life the West African feel of the story. The magic system, the different characters and the creatures were all wonderfully done. Even though many of the themes were typical of the young adult fantasy novel the details made it different. I was intrigued by the way Deka could heal, her powers and her backstory (once we learn more about it at the end).

I did find that parts seemed rushed. Especially the training at the beginning and the battle at the end. Everything happened so fast with very little build up. Part of me liked not having it drawn out but also it seemed to suddenly be over too. I had to sit and think about the big reveals at the end because there was a lot of information dumped in but once I figured out everything it was a great twist. Even though the book seemed to end without a cliffhanger there are at least 2 more books planned.

FYI: A new young adult book with a strong female lead and feminist ideas. Perfect for fans of The Children of Blood and Bone.