First Line: “Hey! This is not an alphabet book!”
Summary: In this book, the characters discuss (and argue over) what kind of book this is, and what should be happening in the story.

Their Thoughts: Conor seemed to enjoy this book, or, at least, he had a lot to say. When asked what he thought about this book he nodded his head and said, “Yep!”. Maggie said this book reminded her of Elephant and Piggie. I’m guessing that it reminded her specifically of Elephant and Piggie’s We are In a Book, because it breaks the 4th wall. She also said that the book was fun to read, and that it’s funny the character “A” only said “a” words.
My Thoughts: This is a fun and different book. The apple reminded me of Groot from Guardiands of the Galaxy (it only says one phrase). This is an engaging story, and a fun mix-up from the usual, especially if your kiddos have come to expect certain stories.
Happy Reading our friends,
Mama Lala, Maggie, & Conor