Mom and Me Reviews: The Real Mother Goose

I grew up being read to out of this book as well. When I found we had it at the library I became SO excited!

First Line: “Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, and can’t tell where to find them;”

Summary: All of the mother goose nursery rhymes you grew up with (or your kids will) are included in this book alongside beautiful illustrations.


                Maggie: *Did not participate*

                Conor: 5 stars

                Mama Lala: 5 stars

Their Thoughts: Conor opens the book repeatedly to the “Humpty Dumpty” and “Hey Diddle Diddle” Nursery Rhymes. He carries his board book version at home around. I think we found our favorite.

My Thoughts: I grew up being read to out of this book as well. When I found we had it at the library I became SO excited. My kids like it so much we actually found a board book version of it for Conor to have, and a regular picture book version for the family library. I am so happy we all get to share this memory.

Happy Reading our friends,

Mama Lala, Maggie, & Conor