Monica’s Musings : Salt Houses

Salt Houses by Hala Alyan

“And life, life has swept her along like a tiny seashell onto sand, has washed over her and now, suddenly, she is old…, there is no one to ask the questions she needs to ask.”

― Hala Alyan, Salt Houses


On the eve of her daughter Alia’s wedding, Salma reads the girl’s future in a cup of coffee grounds. She sees an unsettled life for Alia and her children; she also sees travel and luck. While she chooses to keep her predictions to herself that day, they will all soon come to pass when the family is uprooted in the wake of war.

My thoughts:

Salt Houses provides an intimate view of how the wars of the Middle East affected individuals and family units. There was not any one character I grew to love, but I was sympathetic to almost all of them. Many family members did not see eye to eye a lot of the time, but when they came together they were strengthened. It was a reminder of what a family can be when forgiveness is granted and positive connections are reinforced.

The Six-Day War is the first to impact the family. The Six-Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors was not about one particular concern or dispute. The war occurred, rather, after a series of events escalated tensions. It then details the family’s journey through the Six-Day War (1967), the First Intifada (1987), the Gulf War (1990), the Second Intifada (2000), 9/11 (2001), and the 2006 Lebanon War.

Monica’s Musings: In Five Years

In Five Years by Rebecca Serle

“The future is the one thing you can count on not abandoning you, kid, he’d said. The future always finds you. Stand still, and it will find you. The way the land just has to run to the sea.”

― Rebecca Serle, In Five Years

This book caught my attention when I read the summary on the inside cover. Dannie is living a life that she has tediously planned. Every minute is meticulously mapped out in her mind, leaving no room for error. However, when she wakes up from a nap and is five years in the future, she is shocked by what she sees. She is in a different apartment, with a different man, and has a different ring on her finger. When she is snapped back to her current life an hour later, she tries even harder to control things to prevent that moment from happening.

Before her journey to the future, Dannie and her boyfriend of two years, David, live together and they both are working hard to achieve their career goals. When he proposes, of course, she says yes. Everything so far is going according to their five-year plan. However, after her vision of the future on the night she says yes to David, her plan starts to crumble.

While this book focuses on Dannie’s five-year journey, there is another story line also taking place. Her childhood best friend, Bella, is the total opposite of her. Bella is a free spirit who lets the world decide her fate. They balance each other out, and they both rely on their friendship as the one thing that stays consistent in life. The author is able to capture the love between two friends, and it seems that their support for each other is the true love story in this book.

I enjoyed In Five Years, because of the fast pace at which the story evolves. It was a quick and easy read. However, I was expecting more of a grand finale to the book. About halfway through, my predictions on the ending were accurate. I would recommend it to anyone who likes a short, entertaining read.

It was focused on love, and friendship, and learning to let go of the things that cannot be controlled. When the book was over, I was left with the mindset of, “what will be, will be”, and there is no reason to spend life trying to alter the future. I would rate this story a 4.5 out of 5.