Hayden’s Lineup

TV Show: Friends
Last month I watched all 10 seasons of Friends. After it being recommended to me for years, I finally decided to watch it. The earliest seasons were my favorite, but I enjoyed having the show playing in the background while completing schoolwork.
Availabe to check out here or it is currently streaming on Max.

Pet: Harley
Harley is my two-year-old cat. We found him when he was very little stuck under our grandfather’s truck, and we took him in. He loves sleeping in front of the heater and playing with dog food on the tile floor. During the summer, he will chase wasps and other bugs that get into our house. Harley is one of my first pets and I absolutely adore him.

Hobby: Board Games
One of my all-time favorite hobbies is playing many different board games. Currently my favorite game is Settlers of Catan. While playing we all get pretty competitive, but I find that has made the games much more fun. For many games, we have come up with house rules after playing for a while and that has been making each game feel fresh and new.
School: Accounting

I have been studying accounting for a few years now. I started taking classes for accounting in high school here in Derby. I liked doing accounting and math and I was pretty good at it, so I decided to start studying accounting in college.

Books: Caraval Trilogy by Stephanie Garber
I recently reread the Caraval series. I first read the books in high school, and I really loved the world that Garber built. The books are a little different than what I normally read, but I really enjoyed the magic and mystery throughout the whole of the trilogy.
You can check out Caraval and other Stephanie Garber novels here on Libby!