The Palace by Gareth Russell

First line: As it has done for centuries, Hampton Court Palace draws thousands of visitors every year – as far back as the reign of Elizabeth I, staff were supplementing their incomes by offering tours to visitors, and the fascination shows no signs of dwindling.
Summary: Gareth Russell’s new book looks at the important events and people who resided at Hampton Court Palace from the age of the Tudors until the present day royal family. This royal palace has seen many of the most thrilling times and stood the test of revolutions, regime changes and remodeling. It is one of the most famous and long standing palaces in England, which the author shows us through this new book.
My Thoughts: I have visited Hampton Court three times in my life and hope to go many more times. There is something magical about this place and its history. As you approach there is the wonderful Tudor brick entrance, the courtyards, the great hall and the original kitchen complex. But as you move through the styles change to the remodeled section designed by Christopher Wren. It truly is a wonder to see and imagine the lives that have lived here.
I enjoyed how the author broke down the book into chapters covering the palace during each of the reigns since the days of Henry VIII to the present day. Rather than cover architectural history the author dives into the events and people who lived and worked at the palace. The early years are the ones I am more familiar with but I found the information of the Stuart and Georgian times to be fascinating. Plus the idea that people were given Grace and Favor apartments is such an interesting idea. I would have loved to live in such a historical building.
I highly recommend this for lovers of English history and if you have been or are planning to visit Hampton Court.
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