Computers and Wi-Fi

Computer Lab
The computer lab at the Derby Public Library is equipped with 17 Dell computers that run the Windows 10 operating system. Microsoft's Office 2016 suite is installed on each of the computers in the lab. The computers do not have any kind of disc drives built in, but the library has portable CD drives available to check out for in house use with library computers only.
There are also USB connections on each computer so flash drives may be used to save documents.
Documents that are saved to the computer will be automatically deleted when the computer reboots at the end of a user session.
To log in to the computers, use your library card number with no spaces, and your PIN.
Kid and Teen Computers
Kids and teens both have their own designated computer area in the library. The kid computers are located next to the Youth Services desk. The teen computers are located in the Teen Scene area of the library near the Young Adult collection.
Kid computers are limited to grades K-5. Children not yet in school may use the computers with adult supervision. Teen computers are limited to grades 6-12.
Kids and teens need to use their own library cards when logging on to library computers. Parents and caregivers can register their kid or teen for a library at the front desk.
Technology Assistance Available
If you need assistance with a computer or a library-related app on your device, please come to the front desk.