Make an Interlibrary Loan Request

Derby Public Library > Forms > Interlibrary Loans
Please note the following:
1. Please allow 1 week or longer for delivery of materials.
2. There is no grace period for interlibrary loan (ILL) Items.
3. ILLs cannot be renewed.
4. Item due dates are decided by the lending library.
5. New books may not be available for loan.
6. ILL requests are limited by material format.
7. ILL requests will not be placed for items within the KanShare Consortium, those items can be placed on hold for patrons.
8. ILL requests can only be made by patrons 16 years and up.
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2019 Derby Public Library1600 E Walnut Grove, Derby, KS 67037(316)
Interactive Partner: Howerton+White